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Monday, October 19, 2015


 Imagine a greyish river with palm trees and houses on the left bank but the right bank is not visible. in the very front there is a pile of bricks sticking up out of the water. a man is standing on those bricks with a sack slung over his shoulder, no shirt and a kilt which is green with purple stripes. off in the distance you can see the top of a house sticking out of this "river" the sky is very overcast with grey clouds covering it. THis photo very strongly symbolizes the desparity and the situation in Bangledesh, It shows that water and flooding can be so powerful as to erase an entire community.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Jim from The Office

My favorite character is Jim from the office. He is always pulling funny pranks on Dwight and he seems pretty chill. Together we would pull off the funniest prank in history and Dwight w+ould rage so hard but his rage would only make the prank better! XD. I like how no matter what time or mood it is Jim always finds time to make people laugh and make Dwight rage. They have somewhat of a rivalry jim usually comes out on top but Dwight is always determined and is devoted to being the top paper salesman at Dunder Mifflin Paper Inc.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Legend Continues

My Goal is to score a goal. Where do I begin? Perhaps, back when I was a youngblood in the first grade out on the fields kicking the ball around. In the third grade i started turnin up, I had at least 3 hatricks. then I left it all for a chance at football. I found myself playing punter and kicker, after 2 years i realized my true calling was soccer. the legend returned to the game he once dominated in the 6th grade. after 2 years of mediocrity the time came for a true test of skill, will, and commitment, Turpin Soccer. What people don't see is what leads up to the big moments is what's behind the curtains. practicing everyday the training and gettin swole. That moment is when the big 17 receives the ball from the midfield, turns and see that all that is standing between him and the holy grail is two defenders and a goalie, all gomlers. he approaches the first defender with speed, walks the dog then double scissors him to the right. The next defender knows he's done for. He then dashes towards the next defender rainbows and the defender twists but he hears his ankle snap and falls and all he sees is the volt yellow of mt cleats. I then chest the ball in mid-air and strike off the volley James Rodriguez style. The wicked 12 foot arc carries the ball into the left top 90, the keeper never had a chance. The crowd just loses it. madness in the stands . I beeline for the corner (as th crowd is chanting "Coulton" "Coulton" "Coulton" and kick down the corner flag and jumps up in the air and drop kick it. My phone breaks from all of the babes calling it which sets off somewhat of a mini firework show. My teammates all come and pretend to knight me. It is the first goal en route to a 7-0 beatdown of Anderson by the Turpin JV Maroon soccer team in which I score four goals. Everyone in the stadium knows that this is the rebirth of a legend and they are in the presence of a god. #WITNESS